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Ultimate Guide to EMC PCB Design and EMC Standards

emc pcb design
PCBONLINE Team Fri, Sept 10, 2021

PCB is the carrier of both the signal and EMI noise, and PCB EMC design aims to control the conductor area of noise voltage and to control the return path of noise current. In this post, we will illustrate what PCB EMC and EMI are and what to do with high-frequency PCB EMC design.

What are PCB EMC and EMI?

EMC is the abbreviation of electromagnetic compatibility, and EMC is the abbreviation of electromagnetic interference. EMC in a PCB is the circuit board's capability of working in its electromagnetic environment without emitting unbearable electromagnetic interference to other devices around.

EMI refers to the negative effects or disruption of electromagnetic waves to one device from other devices or natural sources. EMI is also called electromagnetic noise. Every PCB designer tries to follow EMC configuration standards to keep the total amount of EMI and its effects to a minimum.

EMC Standards

EMC certification for PCB EMC design

Many countries developed their own EMC standards, but most are based on IEC standards. CISPR (International Special Committee on Radio Interference) and TC77 (Technical Committee 77) are the two organizations of the IEC that make EMC standards. The EMC standard codes made by CISPR are CISPR Pub. xx, and the EMC standard codes by TC77 are IEC xxxxx.

The EMC standards set up two requirements for devices: one is not to generate negative electromagnetic interference from the outside, and the other is to resist electromagnetic interference from the outside. The EMC standards are classified into the EMC basic publications, EMC product standards, EMC product family standards, and generic EMC standards.

Part of the EMC standards are listed below:

EMC Standard Names
Standard Types
International Standards
General terminology, international electrotechnical vocabulary
basic publication
IEC 60050-161
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods
basic publication
Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment
generic standards
IEC 801-1
Residential, commercial, and light industrial environment
generic standards
IEC 61000-6-3
Industrial, scientific and medical equipment (ISM)
product family standards
Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion engines (automotive)
product family standards
Alarm end electronic security systems
product standards
IEC 62599-2
Photovoltaic devices
product standards
IEC 60904-1

For more EMC standards, you can refer to the Academy of EMC website.

High-Frequency PCB EMC Design Guidelines to Reduce EMI

high-frequency PCBA for PCB EMC design

Circuit board designers should follow electromagnetic compatibility plan standards to downplay EMI. Most EMC issues are associated with configuration blemishes that cause interference among the follows, circuits, vias, and PCB loops.

These essential plan guidelines can aid in the prevention and correction of electromagnetic difficulties in printed circuit board designs.

1. Ground Plane

Because all circuits require a ground to function, the ground plane is your first line of defense against EMI. Some normally accepted procedures for ground configuration to diminish EMI include:

  • Boost ground region

Increase the ground region however much as could reasonably be expected inside the PCB. Signs can scatter all the more effectively with more regions, decreasing outflows, cross-talk, and commotion. In the case that the ground plane is excessively small, you might add another layer.

  • Utilize strong planes

Especially in multi-facet PCBs, a strong ground plane is an optimal alternative. Higher impedance levels are usually caused by copper-stealing and hashed ground planes. Strong ground planes, on the other hand, result in lower levels.

  • Associate each segment with the following

Each component should be connected to a ground plane or point. The ground plane serves as a killing specialist for the load-up strategy, and skimming portions don't make full use of it.

  • Be cautious with split planes

Highly complicated PCB plans regularly incorporate various managed voltages, which should each have its ground planes. Too many ground planes, nonetheless, expand manufacturing costs.

  • Associate detour or decoupling capacitors

If the plan incorporates sidestep or decoupling capacitors interface them to the ground plane. This demo reduces the return current by decreasing the magnitude of the ring.

  • Limit signal length

The length of follows is significant since the measure of time a sign takes to get to and from a source should be viable. Else, it can emanate EMI. Keep following lengths are pretty much as short as could be expected and are about equivalent long.

2. Follow Layout

Follows are significant for the circuit board plan. Legitimate follow utilization guarantees appropriately spread current. Notwithstanding, numerous issues can emerge if the following are not masterminded by top EMC configuration rules. The absolute best principles for the following format in PCB configuration include:

  • Keep away from the right points

Avoid points of 45 degrees to 90 degrees for vias, follows, and different parts. The following capacitance increments arrive at angles greater than 45 degrees. EMI is the result of this reflection. You can avoid this problem by balancing or directing follows that need to turn a corner through at least two places.

  • Isolate signals as much as possible

Separate high-speed signs from low-speed signs, and basic signs from electronic signs. Nearness can bring about interference.

  • Abbreviate bring ways back

Keep return current ways as short as could be expected, and course them along with easy ways out. Return paths should be around the same length as transmit paths, if not shorter.

  • Brain dispersing

EMI is created by cross-talk between two fast signs, one of which is the "assailant" and the other is the "person in question." Through inductive and capacitive coupling, the attacker affects the casualty follow, causing forward and reverse currents in the casualty follow.

  • Use vials with caution

Vias are vital in PCB design since they allow you to direct different layers in your sheets. Be that as it may, planners should be cautious when utilizing them. Vias include their own inductance and capacitance impacts along with everything else.

3. Arrangement of Parts

Electronic parts are the squares that make up an electronic circuit's construction. In any event, directing them incorrectly can result in EMI difficulties. Consider the EMI sway of each component when designing a PCB. Some procedures for segment format in PCB configuration include:

  • Separate simple and advanced parts

As follows, consistently separate simple and computerized circuits and segments. Putting simple and computerized circuits in closeness can bring about cross-talk, among different issues.

To keep away from this, numerous layers and separate grounds to put simple and computerized signals as distant from one another as could be expected. For the most part, it's ideal to keep simple and computerized signals on discrete grounds by and large.

  • Separate simple and rapid pieces

Analog circuits convey high currents, which can mess up high velocity follows and exchange signals. Keep these away from each other and gatekeeper simple circuits with the ground signals. On multi-facet PCBs, the course simply follows so a ground plane exists between the simple circuit and fast signals.

  • Be cautious with rapid parts

The quicker and more modest the segment is, the more noteworthy the measure of EMI it probably creates. You can battle this regular EMI through protecting and sifting, however, it's additionally a smart thought to isolate these segments from others in the board plan.

4. EMI Shielding

A few segments will create EMI regardless of the plan rules you follow — particularly little and fast parts. Luckily, safeguarding and separating can downplay EMI. Some protecting and sifting choices include:

  • Segment and board protecting

Physical safeguards are metallic bundles that epitomize all or part of a circuitous board. They will likely hold EMI back from entering the board's hardware; however, the particular techniques change depending on the EMI's source. For EMI that comes from inside the framework.

  • Low-pass sifting

Sometimes, a PCB can incorporate low-pass channels to dispense with high-recurrence clamor from segments. These channels smother the commotion from these parts, permitting the current to forge ahead of the return way without impedance.

  • Link protecting

Cables that convey simple and computerized flows make the best measure of EMI issues. They produce these issues by creating parasitic capacitance and inductance — a specific issue for high-recurrence signals.

Luckily, safeguarding these links and associating them to ground at the front and back assists drops with trip EMI impedance.

PCB Manufacturing with Assembly Following EMC Standards

EMC PCB Manufacturer

PCBONLINE is a CE-EMC-certified advanced PCB manufacturer for automotive, medical, aerospace, defense, communications, industrial, and consumer electronics. The PCB company provides PCB manufacturing, component sourcing, PCB assembly, and shipping to clients around the globe, with free one-on-one engineering support and DFX.

All the PCB and PCBAs provided to clients follow the EMC standards. The one-on-one engineering support that PCBONLINE provides includes helping check and improve PCB EMC design. Especially, the high-frequency PCB manufacturing and assembly at PCBONLINE don't have EMC issues thanks to the professional solution experts.

One-stop PCB manufacturing at PCBONLINE has great cost-effectiveness. Now get an instant quote or contact PCBONLINE by email or online.

Solutions experts at PCBONLINE will provide one-on-one engineering support and services to you. Now get a quote online or contact PCBONLINE by email or online.


This article introduces EMC, EMI, and some tips about high-frequency PCB EMC design. When you're done with PCB design and look forward to a reliable PCB house, PCBONLINE will be one of the best quality and cost-effective options.


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