How to payment?

You can pay from the “Awaiting Payment” page.

A-Area:Choose the models
  • Step-1: You can choose one or more models for payment
  • Step-2: Click this button for the order information
  • choose
B-Area: Shipping Address
  • Step-1: you need to add a new delivery address for the first time.
  • Step-2: you can chick this button when you has your own delivery.
  • Step-3: you can enter your order ID when you need.
  • Step-4: Chick this button to pay.
  • choose
C-Area: Payment Way
  • Step-1: Choose your payment way
  • A,Paypal: it is easily, fast and secure with Paypal when you pay. And the Paypal fee is as blow
  • choose
  • B、Bank Transfer:To pay by wire transfer using your bank account when you use B2B, and please sent your payment information to us after you have finished the money transfer.
  • C、Western Union: To pay by wire transfer using your bank account when you use Western Union , and please sent your payment information to us after you have finished the money transfer.
  • D、Account Balance: you can pay by account balance,but it cannot be provided the when your order amount is larger than the bank amount.
  • Step-2: You can pay by coupons when you have coupons.
  • A,How to get coupons, please refer how to get coupon
  • B,How to use the coupons,please refer how to use coupon
  • Step-3: Chick the “Continue” button to pay
  • choose